Page 17 - Prosthetic voice rehabilitation-5th edition
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intraluminal device, e.g. a rigid esophagoscope). The TEP procedure with the PVPS is simple and straightforward, as is demonstrated in the animations of primary and secondary TEP and the videos of a primary and a secondary TEP above. 34. Hilgers FJ, Lorenz KJ, Maier Het al. Development and (pre-) clinical assessment of a novel surgical tool for primary and secondary tracheoesophageal puncture with immediate voice prosthesis insertion, the Provox Vega Puncture Set. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2013; 270:255-262. 35. Lorenz KJ, Hilgers FM, Maier H. [A novel puncture instrument: the Provox-Vega(R) puncture set. Its use in voice prosthesis insertion following laryngectomy]. HNO 2013; 61:30-37. 17 

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