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92 6 Reference list 1. Singer MI, Blom ED. An endoscopic technique for restoration of voice after laryngectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1980; 89:529-533. 2. Op de Coul BM, Hilgers FJ, Balm AJ, Tan IB, van den Hoogen FJ, van TH. A decade of postlaryngectomy vocal rehabilitation in 318 patients: a single Institution's experience with consistent application of provox indwelling voice prostheses. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 126:1320-1328. 3. Hilgers FJM, Schouwenburg PF. A new low-resistance, self-retaining prosthesis (Provoxr) for voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1990; 100:1202-1207. 4. Hilgers FJ, Cornelissen MW, Balm AJ. Aerodynamic characteristics of the Provox low- resistance indwelling voice prosthesis. EurArchOtorhinolaryngol 1993; 250:375-378. 5. Hilgers FJM, Balm AJM. Long-term results of vocal rehabilitation after total laryngectomy with the low-resistance, indwelling Provoxr voice prosthesis system. ClinOtolaryngol 1993; 18:517- 523. 6. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJ, Aaronson NK, Balm AJ. Communication, functional disorders and lifestyle changes after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1994; 19:295-300. 7. Hilgers FJM, Balm, A.J.M., Gregor, R.T., Ackerstaff, A.H., Scholtens, B.E.G.M. Voice results using the in-dwelling Provoxvoice prosthesis. . In: Clemente MP, ed. Voice Update; Proceedings 1st World Voice Congress, Oporto, April 9-13, 1995: Excerpta Medica ICS, 1996:173-182. 8. Hilgers FJ, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJ, Tan IB, Aaronson NK, Persson JO. Development and clinical evaluation of a second-generation voice prosthesis (Provox 2), designed for anterograde and retrograde insertion. Acta Otolaryngol 1997; 117:889-896. 9. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJ, Meeuwis CAet al. Multi-institutional assessment of the Provox 2 voice prosthesis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 125:167-173. 10. Hilgers FJ, Ackerstaff AH, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, Van Zandwijk N. Physical and psychosocial consequences of total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1990; 15:421- 425. 11. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJ, Balm AJ, Van Zandwijk N. Long-term pulmonary function after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1995; 20:547-551. 12. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJ, Meeuwis CA, Knegt PP, Weenink C. Pulmonary function pre- and post-total laryngectomy. ClinOtolaryngolAllied Sci 1999; 24:491-494. 13. Hilgers FJ, Aaronson NK, Ackerstaff AH, Schouwenburg PF, van Zandwikj N. The influence of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) on the respiratory symptoms after total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1991; 16:152-156. 14. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJ, Aaronson NK, Balm AJ, Van Zandwijk N. Improvements in respiratory and psychosocial functioning following total laryngectomy by the use of a heat and moisture exchanger. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1993; 102:878-883. 15. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJ, Aaronson NKet al. Heat and moisture exchangers as a treatment option in the post-operative rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1995; 20:504-509. 16. Hilgers FJ, Ackerstaff AH, Balm AJ, Gregor RT. A new heat and moisture exchanger with speech valve (Provox stomafilter). Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1996; 21:414-418. 17. Ackerstaff AH, Hilgers FJ, Balm AJ, Tan IB. Long-term compliance of laryngectomized patients with a specialized pulmonary rehabilitation device: Provox Stomafilter. Laryngoscope 1998; 108:257-260. 18. Van As CJ, Hilgers FJ, Koopmans-van Beinum FJ, Ackerstaff AH. The influence of stoma occlusion on aspects of tracheoesophageal voice. Acta Otolaryngol 1998; 118:732-738. 19. Hilgers FJ, Ackerstaff AH, van As CJ, Balm AJ, Van den Brekel MW, Tan IB. Development and clinical assessment of a heat and moisture exchanger with a multi-magnet automatic tracheostoma valve (Provox FreeHands HME) for vocal and pulmonary rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Acta Otolaryngol 2003; 123:91-99. 20. van Dam FS, Hilgers FJ, Emsbroek G, Touw FI, Van As CJ, de JN. Deterioration of olfaction and gustation as a consequence of total laryngectomy. Laryngoscope 1999; 109:1150-1155. 21. Hilgers FJ, van Dam FS, Keyzers S, Koster MN, Van As CJ, Muller MJ. Rehabilitation of olfaction after laryngectomy by means of a nasal airflow-inducing maneuver: the polite yawning technique. ArchOtolaryngolHead Neck Surg 2000; 126:726-732. 

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